Restaurant Ours

Visit Date: 17/11/2016

Score: 37.5/50

London SW3 2AS, UK

Although a destination restaurant I’ve previously not heard of, ‘Ours’ is apparently a fashionable one with the South Ken elite…. if I watched ‘Made in Chelsea’ then I’d continue to bombard this review with reality tv analogies and puns….. erm sadly not though!

The entrance to the restaurant was a welcome sight as we walked along the freezing London streets. Well we assumed it was the entrance rather than a long, long, long catwalk to a nightclub…. met by friendly staff at the other end, the initial clubby feel gave way to a grand open warehouse dining area. Exposed brick face walls, a tree with fairy lights in the middle, quite basic tables and chairs, with the semi open kitchen at the far end, all giving me the impression that it was trying to be an understated cool setting. But we were here for the food and drinks…. so we got stuck in!….

The bar, circling the tree in the middle, again had extremely friendly and chatty staff. In fact a highlight of the night was the staff whom all had a smile on their face and were willing to humour us by listening to our stupid jokes.
A really good cocktail list had us all picking a variety of concoctions. I tried the Damson Bellini… unfortunately a waste of champagne but some of the others were lovely.

There is a mezzanine floor inside which I believe is used for those simply wanting drinks for the night, I believe called ‘the living room’ with comfy chillaxing seats etc …. worth a try….
Then there was the bar snacks…. what a choice!…. definitely worth a try!… we chose:
A few Oysters…. not great
Smoked Almonds…. very smoky and good.
Ham Croquettes…. not bad.
Crisp Chicken….. over coated and seasoned but ok.
Lamb…. nice
Fois Gras Chips…. Exceptional.
And the Crudités…. which were beautifully presented and all eaten too.

Apparently we were pushed for time having a 2 hour seating slot, so we were swiftly led to our table thereafter…. a little awkward as it was 8pm and the place was three quarters empty. Again it seemed like Ours is geared up for a late night dining experience…. maybe I’m just showing my age!

Sat close to the kitchen and the action, maybe on a too small a table for 5 healthy lads, the service did continue to be on point and friendly.
The initial sommelier brought out a selection that appealed to everyone’s tastes and budget… however I either bored him when I realised he was Italian and started to talk about football, or scared him as I mentioned Tuscan Super Reds….. the head sommelier was next up…. don’t judge a book by its cover!…. no pompous red nosed ageing gent here…. but a young trendy dressed lad who spoke passionately and expertly about his personal selections on the menu. Full of enthusiasm and zest for life, he drew me into his abnormal Sauvignon Blanc personal favourite, and won me over with it!!! Nor did it disappoint…. his overwhelming adjective was ‘toastiness’ – absolutely right and us novices all knew we were tasting something special. My personal highlight.

“Le Portail”, a vouvray. Buying more of this!

While this alcoholic foreplay was going on the bread and butter was brought out. Not really worth a mention except to say that the butter was soft!!! Tick that box!

The menu was pretty good, something for everyone, although some wanted a grander meat offering for the mains.

I began with the Burreta which personally I thought was excellent. The slightly burnt and oiled accompanying toast was absolutely delicious too. Mit particularly loved it’s smoked tomato. Highly recommended.

The recommended Steak Tartares were apparently ok… nothing exceptional.

Bill, a self proclaimed scallop expert, had scallops!… unfortunately though were average.

Continuing my new found friendship with the head wine guy, he recommended “L’Annee” 2015 and explained about the wine being produced in conjunction with Astronomy… hence the label.

Another great recommendation. Buy!

To be honest I was underwhelmed by the mains selection so opted for a Lobster Tagliatelle. Oh and of course some Fois Gras Chips! The side didn’t disappoint but the main did… possibly not because of any other reason other than that my heart wasn’t into it.

Bill went for the Lamb, which although looked still alive, was swiftly devoured by everyone on the table. Excellent dish.
DC and Mit opted for the Pork Chop which was not bad.

Shaf had the sirloin which was again ok but again nothing to write home about.

Well and truly stuffed (the bar snacks laid the foundations there)…. it’s a tough job but a restaurant reviewer has to find room for desert! A small, no frills but adequate selection to choose from was just enough tonight.

Across the table we shared some salted caramel doughnuts, poor for me personally and not all eaten, but the cheesecake with macadamia and tangerine was yummy.

It was a good night and the staff, especially my new buddy, were all excellent….. thanks. The food and menus seemed to take a back seat to the concept of the place however. I feel as though it’s a bar / club at heart and in disguise, and this confusion is evident…. do go if you want drinks and nibbles wandering around a freezing Chelsea….. do go if you want to meet one of my favourite Sommeliers!… there are others however id recommend for fine dining experiences.

264 Brompton Rd