Six by Nico – “Childhood”

Visit Date: 24/10/2020

Score: 34/50

Charlotte St, London W1T 1RR, UK

Prepared to be catapulted back to your fondest childhood memories with our latest 6-Course Tasting Experience, that will not only satisfy the palate but help you rediscover your inner child!

Remember your excitement to have one of your granny’s classic dinners? Or coming in after a long day playing outside to be met with your favourite dinner waiting for you on the table? From fish fingers that would be wolfed down in seconds, to eggy soldiers that would turn into the battle of the breads…

Our childhood memories are those we cherish most & forever wish we could experience just one more time – through our culinary recreations, we can do just that with every bite.

A carefully curated menu that emulates Nico Simeone’s fondest memories & taps into those coveted visits to his grandparents home…

Are you ready to tap into your fondest memories & rediscover your inner child?

41 Charlotte Street